School Life
At Manorcroft we communicate regularly with our parents and carers via email (through Scopay). This allows us to share news and information in an efficient and timely manner. Sometimes we send out communications to the whole school, other times they are class/year group specific.
Every Friday we send home a weekly Bulletin which links directly to our celebration certificates presented that day. Our monthly communications include the most recent 'Diary Dates' and an online safety update covering pertinent topics of interest. Copies of all of these publications can be found in this section of the website. The calendar is also a useful place to start if you're looking for a whole school overview of events.
School is a very busy place, with lots going on each day. Therefore, one of the best ways to stay up-to-date is to follow us on X. We regularly post photos, updates, flyers and links, and use X to celebrate success right across the school.
Please contact the school office if you require any further admin information.